Saturday, November 19, 2005

New View of Early Earth: A Habitable Place

"A new study concludes Earth had continents and oceans 4.3 billion years ago, which is just a geological eyeblink after the planet is thought to have formed, in the wake of the Sun's birth 4.6 billion years ago."

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Butterfly wings work like LEDs

"Fluorescent patches on the wings of African swallowtail butterflies work in a very similar way to high emission light emitting diodes (LEDs)."

How To Manage Your Asthma

"The first step toward this respiratory nirvana is a continual reassessment of the disease, which means regular consultations with a doctor. At each visit, the physician should get an update of symptoms, sleep disturbance, and how frequently rescue meds are used."

ABC News: High colon cancer risk with diabetes confirmed

"The findings are based on an analysis of data pooled from 15 studies, which included more than 2.5 million subjects. Most, but not all, studies have shown a link between diabetes and colon cancer, but some inconsistencies were present, including whether the association was seen in both men and women."

Independent Online Edition > Health Medical > Women with a D-cup bra size are more likely to get breast cancer

"Women with a large bra size at a young age are more likely to develop premeno-pausal breast cancer, according to the results of a Harvard University study."

The Globe and Mail: Drug blocks hunger message in brain

"A drug that suppresses appetite -- working on the same part of the brain that produces the "stone munchies" in those who smoke pot -- not only causes weight loss but also significantly improves cholesterol levels, a Canadian-led international study has found."

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Dinosaurs had appetite for grass

"Grass was previously thought to have become common only after the dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago."